Tuesday, December 21, 2010

supplyJS - Updated

I recently updated SupplyJS, hooray!

There are some minor fixes and changes along with a new feature. SupplyJS now caches transfered files into the localStorage (if available). The underlying principle is pretty easy, when the Supply dealerscript fetches the file contents, it checks the mtime (last modified) and compares it with the value the Supply Javascript passed over. This happens for each file.
So the frontend part looks into the localStorage and checks if there already is an entry for a specific file and if so, send it's mtime value to the dealer.


if( settings & options.localStorage ) {
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        ret.push([n, '=', arr[i], '~', (arr[i] in localStorage) ? JSON.parse(localStorage[arr[i]]).modified : '0'].join('')); 

The serverscript for that part looks like (example in perl)

($filename, $modified) = split(/~/, $file);   
   $mtime = (stat($javascript_dir . '/' . $filename))->[9];
   if( int($mtime) > int($modified) || int($modified) == 0 ) {    
    open (JSFILE, $javascript_dir . '/' . $filename) or next;   
    while(<jsfile>) {
     $jscontent .= $_; 
    close JSFILE;
   else {
    $jscontent = 'cached';

..and finally, the listeners for javascript & stylesheet files were adapted:

self.listen('text/javascript', function(payload, filename, mtime){
   if( settings & options.localStorage ) {
    if( payload === 'cached' ) {
     payload = JSON.parse(localStorage[filename]).src;
    else {
     setTimeout(function() { 
      localStorage[filename] = JSON.stringify({
       modified: mtime,
       src:  payload
     }, cacheDelay += 300);
    if( settings & options.useeval ){
    else {
     var head    = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement,
      nscr    = document.createElement('script');
      nscr.type   = 'text/javascript';
      nscr[fillMethod] = payload;
      nscr.setAttribute('name', filename);
     head.insertBefore(nscr, head.firstChild);
     if( settings & options.removescripts ) head.removeChild(nscr);
   } catch(err) {
    if( 'console' in window ) console.error(filename, ': Exception. Details -> ', err);             

As you can see, the localStorage access happens asynchronously with setTimeout. That timeout increases with each file to avoid too heavy disc operations after loading has completed.

I broke my promise to provide some more backend-scripts for Supply (so far!), but I didn't forget about it. Anyway I still would highly appreciate some support from you guys here. Any port of the backend part is very welcome.

Cheers,  Andy


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